Big Brother Naija reality star, Angel Smith, has called for a ban on babies and toddlers from boarding flights. The reality star took to her Twitter page to share her thoughts and opinions on airlines allowing babies and toddlers on flights.
In a tweet, Angel Smith disclosed the reason why she called on the authorities to ban babies from boarding flights. According to her, babies and toddlers are noisy and cause distractions in planes. She tweeted, “They need to ban babies/toddlers from being able to board flights. Leave those noisy coco felons at home.”
Angel Smith’s post has triggered diverse reactions, with some agreeing with her while others disagree. For instance, a Twitter user with the handle, @nks_kitchen, suggested that when Angel Smith has her own baby, she should airdrop it to her destination. Another user, @myskin_doctrine, interpreted Angel Smith’s post as catching pure cruise, adding that the reality star finds babies and toddlers cute. Meanwhile, @meenahofbeautypro said that sense is far from Angel Smith, but she can't blame her for that.